

Get your first week for FREE here and have the option to upgrade later to expand your library or get personalized routines designed just for you!

Plan Includes

  • Workouts for all areas of the body, including full body workouts as well as muscle grouping workouts, circuit training and a few full length videos! Jump in and give it a try!

  • This FREE workout plan is a sample of what MaxFitness Coaching has to offer. It is not specific to any individual but a array of different levels and types of workouts.

  • It is suggested to pick any workout from any day and just give it a try.

  • If you're looking to have a plan specifically designed for you, the 30 day Scheduling Plan is a great option. This plan in available under Payment Plans in the App

  • Cancel any time, but you can always reach out if you find yourself struggling to stay on track. A personalized plan may be right for you.

How it works

  • Upload the MaxFitness App to your device.
  • Use the workouts assigned on each day, with the option to look back at previous workouts if you miss one.
  • Follow the videos. Its easy! Every step is self explanatory including step by step instructions.
  • Message us in the app if you have questions or would like to upgrade to a individualized plan.
  • Track your calories. Message us if you need help! Our team is here to keep you going!
  • Track your water.
  • Have fun!



Free for first week

After completing your first week, your subscription will continue at $19 per month. NOTE: the first week free apply only to new customers.

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